Governare la paura. Journal of interdisciplinary studies <strong>Governare la Paura. <em>Governing Fear. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies</em> – ISSN 1974-4935</strong> (Scientific Director: Maria Laura Lanzillo) is an international refereed open access journal that publishes research studies on the themes of fear, security and risk. en-US <p><a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a></p><p>This journal is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License</a>.</p><p>Once the paper proposal is accepted, authors must send to the editorial team the release form, filled and signed, available at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, clicking on “Richiesta di autorizzazione e liberatoria per la pubblicazione di contributi singoli in opere collettive” and downloading the appropriate file</p> (Francesco Cerrato) (OJS Support) Thu, 02 May 2019 11:16:34 +0200 OJS 60 The Theory of Rights in Mary Wollstonecraft <p>Considering the whole <em>corpus</em> of Mary Wollstonecraft’s writings, this paper focuses on her view of rights, seen as moral claims and rhetoric tools. Firstly, it is argued that, in the author’s perspective, their technical and judicial dimension is peripheral, where “rights” are human features within a religious conception of life. Secondly, some consequent aspects are analysed, such as the rights’ effectiveness, their nature, their content and their entitlement.</p> Serena Vantin Copyright (c) 2019 Serena Vantin Thu, 02 May 2019 00:00:00 +0200 The irruption of post-truth <p><span>Post-truth is a complex phenomenon which could be analysed from a variety of perspectives. In this paper, attention will be paid to the theoretical and practical aspects concerning the role of law in contrasting the fake-news. These are the most important and evident results of the impact of post-truth in the legal and political world. A following focus is dedicated to the new forms of activism aiming at developing a critical conscience. The Author concludes that it is time to promote practices of active citizenship, developed by new technologies, social network and digital platforms, as well as to organize dialogues and discussions in the educational environments and, more broadly, in the neighbourhoods of the city.</span></p> Thomas Casadei Copyright (c) 2019 Thomas Casadei Thu, 02 May 2019 00:00:00 +0200 Post-truth and lie. Variations on Hannah Arendt <p><span>The essay reflects on the harmful effect that recourse to post-truth (modern form of political lie) supposes for democracy. Taking Hannah Arendt's thought as a reference, the Author analyzes the role that truth plays in the political sphere and the recourse to lying as a mode of domination by totalitarian political systems where reality constitutes an uncomfortable fact. Opposite with these systems, democracies try to preserve the autonomy of citizens to shape their political preferences, in a context dominated by reason and truth, against the deformations of reality generated by the use of emotions and lies.</span></p> Francisco Javier Ansuátegui Roig Copyright (c) 2019 Francisco Javier Ansuátegui Roig Thu, 02 May 2019 00:00:00 +0200 Democracy and the demise of «the public». Mistrust, fragmentation, polarisation: towards a bubble democracy? <p>This essay argues that the success of «post-truth» is partially connected to the characteristics of the new «hybrid» communication scenario. The author maintains that the current context differs substantially from the <em>democracy of parties</em>, which has characterised a part of the 20<sup>th</sup> century, as well as from the <em>democracy of the public</em>, a notion formulated by Bernard Manin in the mid-1990s. As a matter of fact, the diffusion of the new media has triggered the fragmentation of <em>the public</em> into a plurality of self-referential segments and «bubbles» which are (potentially) not rooted in an intersubjective sphere of communication. Considering the impact of these transformations, the essay proposes the image of a <em>bubble democracy</em> as an alternative to the mainstream interpretations both of the <em>democracy of parties </em>and of the <em>democracy of the public</em> and it argues that its main features are the widespread mistrust towards institutions, audience fragmentation and polarisation.</p><p> </p> Damiano Palano Copyright (c) 2019 Damiano Palano Thu, 02 May 2019 00:00:00 +0200 Protection from the lie and protection of truth between philosophy and law <p>In the era of fake news, truth has become a different and more urgent political problem than the traditional issues of the arcana imperii and the lies of the rulers. Starting from this observation, and deepening some considerations contained in the essay by Hannah Arendt <em>Thruth and Politics</em>, the article offers a worried report on the possibility of truth (scientific and factual) not to be reduced to mere opinion among others, and concludes that only a loyal collaboration between epistemic authorities and politics can make the judicial road for the protection of truth less attractive.</p> Corrado Del Bò Copyright (c) 2019 Corrado Del Bò Thu, 02 May 2019 00:00:00 +0200 Post-truth, fear and control information: what role for law? <p><span lang="EN-US">This essay explores the connection between post-truth and fear, arguing that the latter may be used as a tool to control information and thus manipulate public opinion. Furthermore, it discusses the role of law in regulating post-truth (among others, by a better regulation of Information Society providers). Eventually, some solutions are proposed.</span></p> Gianluigi Fioriglio Copyright (c) 2019 Gianluigi Fioriglio Thu, 02 May 2019 00:00:00 +0200