Terrore e salvezza. Commenti su alcune divinità dell’induismo e sulle loro raffigurazioni


  • Cinzia Pieruccini Università di Bologna



Parole chiave:

Hinduism, Śiva, Narasiṃha, Kālī, Hoysaḷa


As well known, some major gods of Hinduism can have both peaceful and terrible manifestations, and some of them have essentially terrible traits. For the purposes of the present collection of essays, this paper will shortly discuss how terrible deities appear to have well-defined roles in helping their devotees to feel protected and to govern fear. In particular, the discussion will focus on Śiva dancing with the elephant hide, Viṣṇu-Narasiṃha and Kālī, taking as starting points some sculptural images and briefly presenting their meanings. 




Come citare

Pieruccini, C. (2014). Terrore e salvezza. Commenti su alcune divinità dell’induismo e sulle loro raffigurazioni. Governare La Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1974-4935/4428