L'utopia in Max Horkheimer: tra critica dell'esistente e pensiero astratto
https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1974-4935/6542Parole chiave:
Horkheimer, utopia, criticism, dystopiaAbstract
In 1930, in Anfänge der bürgerlichen Geschichtsphilosophie, Horkheimer analyzes utopia in bourgeois philosophy of history and identifies two aspects: the criticism of what is, and the representation of what should be. Utopia therefore plays a revolutionary role in history. In 1937, in Traditionelle und kritische Theorie, Horkheimer changes opinion. Utopia is criticized as misleading, acquiescent to reality. In later writings, in a pessimistic view, the Director of the Frankfurt School describes contemporary society as a dystopia.
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